Long Music Mixes to Add Fun to Your Workout Regimen

01/17/2014 13:56

Music mixes are perfect while working out because it helps people to relax their mind and concentrate only on their exercise or workout regimen. Workout mixes have become so much popular among the youth that in most gyms they have provided additional slots to allow users to charge their iPods or music players, so that they can listen to song mixes for long hour without draining out the battery.

Play on the go
So, why do most people plug-in their music players while working out? It has been found in various studies that music listening causes a reaction in the subconscious part of the brain which helps a person to distract himself from his immediate surroundings or daily stressors, emotional or physical pain, mindset rechanneling and synchronizing the same with the music beat. According to researchers at the Brunel Universal in London, just like drug, music also has a synonymous effect on the body that boosts performance and this was quoted in the Scientific American's 2012 edition. Moreover, it is not detrimental to health or illegal to use like steroids and it is recommended by most people as a healthy and viable alternative to steroids. Exercise and music work at tandem and in two ways i.e. rhythm response and speed-or-tempo.

Play long tracks while you work out
In most of the exercise tutorials, it can be noticed clearly that they use moderate or fast beats that perfectly goes with the bass, just like any club music. The reason why these clubs or fitness gyms feature house music is simply to get you grooving & moving at the same time. The rhythm of music evokes a kind of rhythmic response from most people. Most of them start with head swing, shoulder roll, hip swing, finger drum or foot tapping to the beats of the music. With the music mix getting faster with increased beat, these people start reacting faster. SoundCloud offers long music tracks that are ideal for gym users and it also offers free music mix playlists. The long tracks are good for these users because they do not have to stop during their workout session to change the channel or the music. The SoundCloud music mixes are composed by DJs who deliver long hours of high energy workout music. These music tracks are ideal and involve the brains of the users and put them into a different thinking realm.

Fast paced beats to keep you moving
The pace and movement of the body is dependent on BPM that focuses the mind. If your mind paces itself to the music beats, then you will be able to notice a significant change in breathing pattern, reduced notice of distractions and mental clarity. Long music tracks and fast paced beats will allow you to take part in workouts proactively at much higher level. These long mixes have helped people to concentrate and focus on their workout and in some case cycling sessions and so on. It is one of the better ways to stay away from other distractions. So, you can download these mix music from some of the top online music platforms that can serve well when you work out.